Tuesday 30 October 2007

So, what are we up to now?

First of all, I'd like to welcome you, our distinguished reader, to the brand new ARLD blog. Here you can get the latest updates on the whirlwind of sound-related activity that is the daily life of A Red Letter Day. So what are we up to right now?

Tonight we're going to write a new song, an opener for our new EP! We're currently also in the process of recording and finishing up the other songs for the EP, so far the tracklisting goes something like this (not in order):

Vapour Trails
This Is Our Time
Turn-A-Round (new unheard song!)

Add to this the song we're gonna start working on tonight and hopefully we will have a quality EP for you to enjoy. Also add to that the possibility of some new vocal talents entering the band... but more on that as it breaks.

Also if you didn't know already, we've gained a second guitarist in the form of Colin Moffett. His tele-twanging exploits bring a new edge to the guitar dynamics in the band and speaking personally I'm loving it. I can't wait to show you guys our new stuff, and judging by how fast we're making progress (not only in terms of writing but in terms of skill and sound evolution) I think you guys will like it :).

Thats all for now!
